Friday, 7 June 2019


This week our class have been doing maths about bus and train timetables and time. Miss Power gave us questions to do in our Maths book. We had to do a worksheet about time today it had 24 hour time, another one had words we had to write it in numbers.

Image result for time


  1. WOW!
    Kia Ora!
    My name is Maddison I am a year 7 and a proud student from the amazing Yaldhurst Model School.

    It is super cool that you have added in an Interesting picture to draw the reader in, I would like to know how you had found it because it looks really cool and creative.

    To make this great blog post amazing, I would love to see you create something else to go with your information, or add in the photos of your work and how you worked it out to share and teach lots of new people.

    We always do work in maths books or the amazing slides our teaches create for us do you ever do work in a slide or google doc?
    Let me know!
    Kindest regards

  2. Hi Maddison thank You for your comment It meant so much!! I will add the photos next time

  3. Hi there Zaheer, My name is Abby and I am a year 7 student at Yaldhurst Model School or YMS for short.

    I really like the way you explained what math work you have been doing.

    What kind of math do you do? In a book or on a slide? Our teachers usually set up a slide for all of our math work to go on.

    Next time you could include a picture of your math so your audience will be more interested.

    Do you like your math work?

    Kind Regards,


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.