Friday 26 July 2019


This is my dlo about directions


  1. Hey Zaheer, my name is Parwin and I am a year 8 from Yaldhurst Model School. I liked your blog post because the writing was clear. This reminded me of when I did a DLO about the same thing I think or maybe it was different but I think I did it a long time ago so I don't exactly remember. I think that maybe next time you should add some more information in the DLO and why you did it. By the way, a DLO is Digital Learning Object so it teaches us how to do something but your one just said what you learnt and didn't teach us anything apart from the fact that you learnt angles. Why did you do a DLO? Was it part of your maths? Awesome work!

    Looking forward to your next posts,

  2. Hey there Zaheer,
    my name is Jedi and I am a year eight in rimu class. I love that you have decided to create a D.L.O about directions. But I was wondering what this post was really about. How come you chose to post about this? Also I saw that this was meant to be a D.L.O, so was there anything you wanted to inform or teacher the reader? Remembering that a D.L.O stands for digital learnign object. But I know that with a little bit of editing, this post would really knock peoples socks off. Begining with the learning bit.

    Can't wait to see what happens!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.